Friday, November 11, 2011

BUT I CAN SEE... by Amjad Prawej

Empty Stage. Two narrators, Ravi and Ashok enter and stand centre stage.

Ravi: Welcome friends. My name is Ravi and this is my friend Ashok. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming here today in such large number. Ladies and Gentlemen,It is really very encouraging to see people interested in this cause...

Ashok: (Interrupting) Ravi..

Ravi: (With more passion) And with your support I assure you..

Ashok: (Louder this time) Ravi!!

Ravi: (Annoyed) What?

Ashok; The Speech session is tomorrow. They are gathered here today to see our skit.

Ravi: (Embarrassed) Oh! I am really sorry.

Ashok: Let's show them the skit.

Ravi: Alright.

There is a pause. Ashok looks at Ravi. He just shrugs shoulders. There seems to be some confusion. Eventually Ashok breaks the silence.

Ashok: Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to tell you a story. Once upon..

Ravi: Wait! I thought we were going to SHOW them a skit. But you are telling a story instead.

Ashok: Ravi!! This is the skit. We are showing and they are seeing!!

Ravi: Really?

Ramesh: (Almost coming to stage) Oh cut it both of you. Start the skit before the audience runs away. We don't have all day!!

Ashok: Once upon a time in a village called Hamba, there lived a boy called Ramesh. He was from a well to do family. He wore fine clothes and went to a nice school.

Ravi; He ate delicious food everyday and everyone liked him.

Ashok: (Gives him a stare and continues)He had to walk through a small forest to reach the school everyday. One day on his way back from the school something strange happened. He was in the middle of the forest humming and..

Ravi: (Interrupting) Its high time we show them something Ashok. 
Ashok: Alright. Let's become trees. Quick.

Ashok and Ravi become trees. Other “Trees” come and stand at random. Ramesh enters humming a tune. He walks between the trees, reaches downstage and stops. He looks left and right. He is unable to decide which way to go. He finally turns around and starts walking. There is a sound. He stops, looks left and right.

Ramesh: Hello! Anyone here?

No one responds. When he is just about to walk, the sound is heard once more. He turns towards the audience and notices something downstage.

Ramesh: Ohhhhh... Look at you! Aren't you beautiful?

He crouches on all four.

Ramesh: Come here. Come here. Oh you are a cute little kitten. Where is your mama? Come here. You are so sweet and gentle. Come I will take you home.

Suddenly we hear a roar. Ramesh screams. The “Trees” scream and run for their lives. Ramesh joins them. He continues screaming. Everyone exits except Ravi and Ashok.

Ravi: It was a Tiger!

Ashok: Wow, you remember your dialogues now!

Ravi: Shhh. Ramesh was lucky. The tiger had just finished his lunch. He was not hungry anymore. And thus, Ramesh's life was saved.

Ashok: But his problem was not over yet. Soon there was another incident. His father bought him a bicycle for his birthday.

Ravi: He was so excited. The next day was a Sunday. After his lunch he rode to the National Highway that was nearby his village. He rode up and down the Highway. He loved it. In his excitement he completely forgot about the time. Suddenly the sun went down and it was dark. He rushed towards his home.

Ashok: He was riding really fast.

Ravi: (Interrupting) I think its time to show them.

Ashok; (Offended) What? No! So, he was riding and then suddenly..

Ravi shuts his mouth from behind and pulls him towards the exit.

Ravi: Oh come on! They are getting bored. It is time for some action.

Ramesh enters on a “bicycle” and starts circling the stage. Enters Ashok and Ravi driving a “Lorry”. Ramesh rides straight towards the lorry. There is frantic honking followed by a screech. Ramesh breaks. The lorry stops a couple of inches away from the bicycle.

Ashok: You fool. Whats wrong with you? You want to kill yourself?

Ramesh: Definitely not! Why do you say that?

Ravi: Because you were riding straight into our Lorry!

Ramesh: A lorry? My God! It IS a Lorry.

Ashok: What do you mean “It IS a lorry”? Of course it's a lorry!

Ramesh: Yes, I can see that now. But from a distance, I couldn't really make out. I thought there were two motor bikes and I would go straight in between!

Ravi: You would have gone straight UP. Now get out of the way.

Ashok: Ride slow and keep to the side of the road.

Ramesh: Alright. Thank you.

Ramesh and the “Lorry” exit.

Ravi: Once more Ramesh was lucky. He went home and told about the incident to his parents. They asked him to be careful next time and that was that.

Ashok: (To the audience) I am sure by now you must have figured out his real problem. Yes you are right. He was.. (looks at Ravi.. gives the cue again) He was..

Ravi: Slow.

Ashok: Sorry?

Ravi: He was a little slow. Think about it, who wouldn't know the difference between a tiger and a cat? He was slow alright. I am sorry to say this but its a fact you know. I feel bad ,but you have to state the...

Ashok: That was not the problem.

Ravi: Yes that was not THE problem. The real problem was that he was ( he clasps his fingers and pulls) you know (pulls again)

Ashok: Partially sighted.

Ravi: Exactly. He was partially sighted (does the action again)

Ashok: Ramesh knew it. There were a couple of incidents in the school as well. But Ramesh never disclosed this problem to any of his friends.

Ravi: (Remembering his dialogue) Not even to his own best friend! (smiles) But how long can you keep a secret from your friends? Especially when you spend most of your time with them. It is tough you know.

Ashok: He was confronted by his friends. Ramesh had no choice but to reveal the truth. He also revealed the reason for keeping it a secret. It was...

Ravi: (Interrupting) Time to show again. (pulls him out)

Ramesh enters in school uniform. He is trying to read from a page. He is holding it so close to his face that he doesn't notice a friend passing him.

Friend: Hi Ramesh.

Ramesh: (loosing his composure) Hi.. Hi Vivek.

Friend: (Offended) I am Sunil. You are crazy dude! (Exits)

Ramesh: (helplessly) God! Everyone looks the same in the uniform.

Ravi and Ashok enter. They are in the similar uniforms.

Ravi: Hi Ramesh

Ramesh: Hi Ku..(stops)

Ravi: Ku? (makes bird's sound)

Ashok: Ramesh, we want to talk to you.

Ramesh: Sure. What is it about?

Ravi: Its about.. (Makes the bird sound again)

Ashok: Cut it Ravi. Lets go sit over there.

They sit downstage centre.

Ashok: Ramesh, is there anything you want to tell us?

Ramesh: Yes, I.. I got only 40 out of 100 in Maths.

Ravi: Is there anything else you want to tell us?

Ramesh: No. It's getting late. (stands to leave)

Ravi: (sits him down) Listen Ramesh! We want to help you. But we can help you only if you want to be helped.

Ashok: We are your friends, Ramesh. And what are friends for? To share your happiness and your problems.

Ramesh: That's true. But why are you telling all these to me?

Ravi: Because we know you have a problem and you are hiding it from us.

Ramesh: What problem? I don't have any problem.

Ashok: You can't see things properly. You are partially sighted. You have been facing lot of difficulties because of this. It is high time you admit it.

Ramesh: But.. But I can see...

Ravi: Really? Alright. How many people are seated in the audience?

Ramesh: Many.

Ravi: Smart. How many exactly do you see in the first row?

Ramesh: There are.. there are (breaks down and starts sobbing) I am sorry. I've been hiding this from you guys for so long. I can't see.. I can't see..

Ashok: Hey, calm down. It's alright. You've told us now. Don't worry, everything will be fine.

Ramesh: I don't know. I face a lot of problems. I can't read the text books, I can't see the black board, I can't write properly, I can't commute and I also face problem with my computer. There are too many problems. And I don't know the solutions.

Ashok: Don't worry. My uncle is born blind. And he manages to read, write, commute and operate computer better than me. Of course you'll have to work harder initially. You'll have to learn Braille and you should start using a White Cane.

Ramesh: What's a White Cane? Is it like Sugarcane?

Ravi: No! It is not something to eat. Its a stick that blind and visually impaired people use to commute in an effective manner.

Ramesh: Wow. I'd like to start using one right now.

Ashok: (Giving him a white cane) Here you go then. Of course you'll have to learn how to use it properly. My uncle can help you with that. In fact I borrowed this one from him.

Ramesh: I feel so happy already.

Ravi: Ramesh, this will not only help you find your way easily, It will also tell others that you have problem with your sight.

Ramesh: Oh!

Ashok: That's a good thing Ramesh. Imagine you want to cross a busy road with no Zebra crossing. If people see your White Cane they will stop their vehicles to let you cross.

Ramesh: I see.

Ravi: There is one more thing you have to do. You'll have to tell your parents.

Ramesh: They know already.

Pause. Ravi and Ashok look at each other

Ashok: They.. know already?

Ramesh: Actually they are the ones who had forbidden me from telling anyone about this problem. They are... ashamed.

There is Pause.

Ramesh: When they first noticed about my problem, they took me to a doctor. He told the problem was incurable and I had to live with this. They asked me not to mentioned about it to anyone.

Ashok: But you have a serious problem. You need to learn some basic things. It will be really difficult at later stage in your life.

Ramesh: I know. But my parents, they don't see...

Ravi: Your parents don't see.. Are they blind?

Ramesh: No no, they are not blind. But they don't see that I don't see, you see.

Ravi: I am all confused now. Who is blind and who can't see?

Ashok: Forget it Ravi. Ramesh, we need to talk to your parents.

Ramesh: The principal had called my Dad to talk about my low performance this year. He is actually with the Principal right now.

Ashok: Great. Let's go talk to him.

As soon as they get up, the father enters looking for Ramesh.

Father: There you are. I've been looking for you all over the place. I am getting late for my meeting. (Noticing White Cane) What's that?

Ravi: It's a White Cane uncle.

Father: And who are you?

Ravi: My name is Ravi and he is Ashok.

Ashok: We are Ramesh's classmates.

Father: Good. Let's go Ramesh.

Ravi: Uncle, actually we wanted to talk to you.

Father: About what?

Ravi: About Ramesh and his eye-sight problem.

Father: You told them? (angry) I had forbidden you.

Ashok: We forced him uncle. It is not his fault..

Father: Stay away from my son. He is fine. He does not need any help.

Ashok: Uncle I think he does. Especially from you. He needs to learn basic skills
like braille and the use of White Cane.

Father: Shut up! He is not blind. (snatches and throws the White Cane) And he doesn't need this. You disobeyed me. I am ashamed of you.

Ramesh: You were never proud of me dad.

The father just looks at him, not knowing what to say.

Ravi: Uncle, he is partially sighted. Its true. But he is also partially blind.

Father: You want him to go around with that stick. People will laugh at him. They will make fun of him. I am not OK with that.

Ashok: But you are OK with the same people calling him stupid, useless and incapable for the rest of his life?

There is Silence

Ravi: See you later Ramesh.

Ashok: Bye uncle.

They exit. Pause. The father slowly picks the White Cane and hands it to Ramesh.

Father: I am sorry my son. I had been blind all these days.

He hugs Ramesh. The school bell rings. They exit.

The End.


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